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The Write Question 

If you're in the wide listening area of Montana Public Radio this Sunday (August 26), you might tune in to "The Write Question," the new literary program airing at 11:45 a.m. each week. This week will feature Cherie Newman's interview with yours truly.

Newman's insightful questions were one of the highlights of my book tour. But they don't show in the finished product, which is edited to broadcast only my voice. As producer/interviewer, Newman's role is much like what I aspired to in researching and writing the biography: know the subject well, ask great questions, and then get out of the way so your subject's voice can shine.

Listeners can decide for themselves whether my voice shines. But if it does, credit is due the person behind the scenes.

I'm always interested in feedback, via info at johnclaytonbooks dot com

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