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My goal is not 

Searching for a source document recently, I Googled the phrase "My goal is not." I added a couple of other keywords, and when I scanned the results I didn't find the document I was looking for. But then I realized the results had a certain profundity of their own:

My goal is not to try to enjoy community in a big city.
My goal is not to "slam" Russian journalists.
My goal is not to emulate Gates and massively disproportionate wealth accumulation
My goal is not regional free trade. My goal is world free trade.
My goal is not to question whether [Stewart’s] prosecution was ...
My goal is not to beat some other fund manager, but to get enough money to meet my liabilities.
My goal is not just to design a word processor for someone who lives in another country and is using a low-resolution screen. My goal is to design a word processor for someone who hasn't developed strong written language skills yet.
My goal is not to confuse you, but to help you think straight.

Yes indeed, a quick snapshot of what people are not trying to do.

I'm always interested in feedback, via info at johnclaytonbooks...

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